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Acupuncture - Manual Osteopathy
Sports Medicine Acupuncture, Traditional Acupuncture, Neurokinetic Therapy, MPS Therapy, Scar Release Therapy and Manual Osteopathic Therapies. This is an all inclusive treatment including both acupuncture and manual therapies based on the presenting condition. This is your best option for pain, musculoskeletal dysfunction or postural imbalance etc.
AcuGraph - Meridian Balancing Acupuncture
An objective computerized visual analysis of the energetic status of the acupuncture meridians. Balancing of the energy in the body with either Acupuncture needles and/or non-needle techniques based on the findings of the AcuGraph digital imaging analysis. This session does not include Sports Medicine Acupuncture techniques or manual osteopathic therapies.
Manual Osteopathy
Manual Osteopathic Therapy - Osteopathic techniques, Neurokinetic Therapy, RAPID Neurofascial Reset, Scar Release Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, visceral and lymphatic balancing, myofascial techniques, positional joint release only. No Acupuncture.
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